[GCTV全球华视冬红纽约报道] 5月15日,中国旅美科技协会请来了参与巴菲特股东大会的嘉宾跟大家分享关于研究巴菲特投资的心得,以及长期在中美金融投资领域的最佳实践经验,包括医疗健康领域的重组并购。中概股协会理事长唐兆凡博士、Tenor Capital Management创始合伙人Xiuping Li女士以及纽约金融论坛(NYFF)联席发起人陈凯丰博士做主题演讲。本次论坛主办单位为旅美科技协会大纽约分会。
2)Ms. Xiuping Li:Financial Innovations in Cross-border Healthcare Mergers and Acquisition
Michael Cheah
During more than 30 years navigating the market, Michael has established a long track record of success and has distinguished himself as one of the few portfolio managers who made himself available to speak with clients through good and bad times—sharing insights that helped them achieve their goals and potential. In addition to his achievements as a portfolio manager, Michael has served as a turn around expert for investment operations and has considerable expertise launching funds and managing risk and compliance issues. Michael received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore,and a Master’s of Science degree in Management from the London Business School,where he was a Sloan Fellow. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst and Financial Risk Manager. Michael has lived in many countries throughout his career—he speaks multiple Chinese dialects—but is still working on his accent.
美国科罗拉多大学法学博士,中国南京大学法学硕士,拥有美国纽约州和中国律师执业资质。现任美国黄唐马文律师事务所主任,中概股协会理事长,民生通海中概股基金管理公司董事总经理,中国留学人才发展基金会国际生物医药专项基金理事长等,曾任美国华尔街律师事务所Gusrae, Kaplan, Bruno & Nusbaum PLLC等所的专职律师,熟悉国际资本运作,在中国公司海内外融资/上市、国际并购及其财务顾问方面的经验丰富,在美国以及亚洲金融市场有丰沛的人脉资源,服务过多家美国的投资银行和上市公司,如Mrrrill Lynch, Jeffrey Capital, Aegis Capital, Rodman & Renshaw,中石油,中银国际,浦发银行,安信信托等。曾为中国、美国、加拿大等国近百家公司在华尔街融资提供法律和金融服务。
Ms. Xiuping Li
Ms. Li is a founding partner and portfolio manager of Tenor Capital Management, a multi-strategy investment firm located in New York. Tenor was founded in 2003 and currently manages assets for institutional investors from the US, Europe and Asia. Ms Li, along with the team at Tenor, has delivered long-term superior investment track record in convertible bonds, credits, distressed assets and value equities. She has successfully invested in both public and private companies in a variety of industries including healthcare, technology, and renewable energy. Prior to Tenor, Xiuping worked at the investment bank division of Goldman Sachs New York. Xiuping is also a member of Tenor’s management team responsible for business development, talent management, and risk control of the firm’s portfolios. Xiuping is very active in the investment community.
She is an Angel member of 100 Women in Hedge Funds, a global association of more than 13,000 professional women, and was a speaker at association events in New York. She is also actively involved in the MIT community, where she earned her MBA, and in several China-US finance or business associations. She earned her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management and her BS in Finance with distinction from Nankai University (China).
纽约金融论坛(NYFF)联席发起人,目前在纽约管理一个全球宏观对冲基金,同时在纽约大学、纽约佩斯大学、西班牙巴塞罗那IESE商学院纽 约中心任教,并担任纽约大学专业学院院长兼职顾问委员会委员。陈博士是纽约经济俱乐部会员、外交政策协会委员,科罗拉多大学摩根大通 商品研究中心全球商品研究杂志编委。