A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in...Read More
[GCTV全球华视冬红纽约报道] 5月15日,中国旅美科技协会请来了参与巴菲特股东大会的嘉宾跟大家分享关于研究巴菲特投资的心得,以及长期在中美金融投资领域的最佳实践经验,包括医疗健康领域的重组并购。中概股协会理事长唐兆凡博士、Tenor Capital Management创始合伙人Xiuping Li女士以及纽约金融论坛(NYFF)联席发起人陈凯丰博士做主题演讲。本次论坛主办单位为旅美科技协会大纽约分会。 讲座于下午两点在纽约Fordham法学院举行,讲座主题为: 1)唐兆凡博士:当前国际并购的逻辑与中国在美投资机会的最佳实践经验分享 2)Ms. Xiuping Li:Financial Innovations in Cross-border Healthcare Mergers and Acquisition 3)陈凯丰博士:关于巴菲特的宏观投资政策研究 主持人及演讲嘉宾简介: 主持人 Michael Cheah During more than 30 years navigating the market, Michael has established a long track record of success and has distinguished himself as one of the few portfolio managers who made himself available to speak with...Read More
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